CPRT Soft AI Tools Review - How to create awesome summaries, AIDA Frameworks, create account

Rahul / July 4, 2024

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[Music] today we are talking about this application called AI tools from a company called tprt Soft it looks to be an interesting piece of software let us see what okay and this AI tools by security I came across the software recently and I really liked it I thought I share it with you to give you a summary this software is a bunch of tools which are all AI related and uh they have created a very good interface which uh connects with various different pns including their own and also that of SCBT that of Google Gemini so they have sort of taken the best of all these different vendors and given it to us that is why I liked it because I have an option to try out various things which is related to way which I could not in the past so this is the starting page the way you uh go about this is first you have to resister then you're automatically subscribed a particular plan that is Step number one it has a limited number of credits like around 200 units or so so it it'll get over very quickly so we'll have to do a topup of those credit and it starts at $1 so that is a second part like there is a subscription initially which is free and then you have to do a topup which is paid I'll show it to you so initially if you want uh you can definitely go through the sign up page go to sign up and uh give your name [Music] give your password and then click on continue so this is how most of us would be doing yeah don't forget to click this button yeah but if you wanted to do it easier just go even if you have not signed up so far you can just go and click on sign in with Google because right now I don't have an account with this particular f I had used another email this one let let me see it's saying choose an account to continue to coft I'm saying that I'm going to use my Google account I click it okay so it is asking for my Gmail one second let me just pause so I've got the safy code and uh I'll be clicking next now so this will automatically sign me up so it is asking sign in to cpop so I say okay it is saying by continuing it will share your name em address I click on continue know the data is being asked only basic details okay even without entering other details I have been entered here so here the very first thing that you have to do is that you need to go to PR pricing plans okay and here you saying that subscription plans are this and then you have something calledd here so these are all prepaid plans so you can see it here these are all prepaid the first three are all prepaid this one is a mandatory base plan for all users which is free subscribe so you subscribe it is asking for some of these details I'm not entering anything instead I'll just click check out now it is asking to for payment gway so I selected I have not entered any other details I click and it is saying that congratulations you have been subscribed yeah you'll see how the invoice looks like this is the invoice okay so it is basically telling me that I have subscribed now let me go to start okay so once that is done on left side at the same that time part of Lifetime plan which is free and I have GPT 3.5 credits of 200 left the yourd Maes left as two characters left as 200 and minutes left as one okay so this is what I'm being shown now let me also show you the other way to register because some of you might have conclusion that so again I always forget this entire URL okay so here the other ways as I told you you can go and select the other thing right let's say we [Music] and I click continue okay so this flow of data is different so here I'm not directly logged in I've been asked for a Col your plan option right so this is the same plan which we saw before while go through that so it is saying it is a mandatory Blaze plan for all the users free lifetime zero payment no need to pay anything free what is is included 1 minute per month 200 characters per month and month team AI chat feature images voice over speech to text AI code the member options this is a base plan that is mandatory you do not have to pay anything you can collect a payment Gateway and click on submit you do not have to enter any payment the reason is because features such as GTP GPT 2.5 apart from this Bas plan you can pay and uh buy other free ping okay so the actual P plans will start at Dollar one hour EUR one 75 and all of them are creepy they can be purchased after selecting this okay fine so this I have selected here I clicked on select and it is again asking me for all those details so I'm just entering the very basic details not [Music] everything so here the that you have to enter the details [Music] again can you don't have to give all these like you don't something just click stripe or anything you want you can click that you can click on check so this time last time I tried it's F so this time I'll try with r just click on check out now nothing else so there's no payment screen nothing else is happening so it was asking you to sign so you can see that this is the other account which I have created and it has the same set of things CT so this is the second account which we have created 200 2 20021 see I I just wanted to show you how the flu is different now let me try out something yeah so let me go to the first option there and the very first thing it says is clickbait titles add headlines blog ideas this one is something I wanted to do blog ideas so the saying that the perfect tool to start creting articles your balance is 200 PP Words which means the number of output Words which you get this is input credit how much you supposed to give to chat so let's say I want to there's this place called Patagonia right ponia people who don't know I want to travel solo travel to category so this is my block so I have two options one is open and one is so let me select people okay and because my yeah so the estimated length is 200 so this we have to be careful this should not be very high because this will also have a direct impact on our balance so let me put it at 150 and anything else is required I click on generate let us see what comes okay so there is a blue color ribon that is floating on top Okay cool so these are the so they have given me two blog ideas first just The Ultimate Guide to solo travel in pagonia and the second is exploring the Untamed wild Aras of pagonia alone wow so they have Pi up Patagonia and they have also understood that time in the solo travel and here they have used the and then they have given me a overall idea how to write the introduction to the beauty tips for planning transport accommodation safety considerations activities budget friendly options for Sol Travelers personal anecdotes con second way is Introduction to the rug remote island benefits of the solo travel challenges of solo travel iies so yeah this recommended activities of the first one and the iten Aries is of the fourth one is similar safety tips is again here but the benefits and Challen is new to this one right this doesn't have that benefits and challeng inspirational stories from solo travels who have Brave conclusion highlighting the yeah okay so this is my first document okay so I'm going to save this okay so this is getting saved on the website itself okay there successfully saved if I want to download I have to click here I will say copy text sorry I have to go there and I have to say text these are all three so whatever we have just read you can see it I have a backup also now if I go to dashboard gu sa it again because you don't want to miss it out okay so it is asking that you can leave okay so here you'll see that this much credit was used now only 15 credits is left so not a lot can be done now with this account but images are there and some characters manes there so let's try it out so for images let's go to AI images so is asking okay there are two ways I can create one is using Di and the other is using stable so using di I have one image and stable diff also have one image so let me try out both of them Solo Traveler Inon I don't know if they will understand what pagonia is uh let me [Music] say an island let me see what the result is I'm using di generator with all the default settings I I'll compare how the images are between D and table Deion it is taking some time W this is [Music] the this is a s of my yeah this is very much like me it looks okay here ENT tally was created on July third I can save this so this is the actual file which was created the solution is 1024 and2 the Cy looks good now stable diffusion if I try to do the same thing okay so you can note here that the credits for Aly has gone down to zero now so I cannot create anymore but stable distribution I can't create so let me try it on travel let's see how these two different engines behave this is the second one okay good somehow I like the second one so this is the let me save it because I can use it in my blog so now if I go to dashboard I will see that uh my GPT cites loads at 15 my is at Z and but these are the characters and one minute so this is related to AI voice over let's try out something from Patagonia for people who don't know what it is let me try to let me try to create a voice over of this particular text this because it not the total character length is 302 here let me go here and try let me see if they are allowing 300 characters so the language I can select any of them so by default it is English USA and the boys also I can select anything I'm using NOA okay we can want use neeral images so let me try a neeral [Music] one well standard allo is Neal [Music] [Music] I think many of these are neural actually but we don't uh for female specifically uh yeah we have to check whatever is not written as standard right those are NE so let me try out uh ding okay so I have just pasted that data here [Music] ponia okay so number of characters I'll need to redem okay so this is I'll tell you what is happening here you have only 200 characters which you can use right now and this is 300 that is why we cannot use it completely so let me delete out some part of it make it [Music] 200 so this should work right because this is 196 yeah this all these uh punctuation marks like dot Etc will help in adding the boss that is why we cannot delete it completely so yeah this one should [Music] work okay it is started let us wait for some time because these are all AI models it will take a lot of time for them to process let great Patagonia is a geographical region that encompasses the southern end of South America governed by Argentina and Chile the region comprises the southern section of the Andes mountains with lakes cool first thing you have to do always is you need to download this file so that you don't forget [Music] it so you have to on listen okay we have already downloaded it right here that is the reason [Music] so anyhow we have downloaded it so whenever we want we can play it from there so this is the voice over effect so that is now at four characters and now you have something known as AI speech to text that is what I believe this is about okay so your Balan is one so I need to get an audio which is lower length than 1 minute yeah the file which we just created right in try let let us try to transort that one I need to go to browse I need to go to downloads I believe this is the one which we just downloaded right also I'm giving all the defaults here and I'm clicking on transcribe let us see what the result is of course it will not be a 1est to one match but still it'll be good enough yeah they're saying that is a geographical region that is the southern end of South America governed by Argentina and Chile the region comprises the southern section of candes mountains with quite close enough right and I think you can also review the Patagonia is a geographical region that Encompass yeah so whatever you [Music] have before it is coming okay you can save these transcript also okay so now all the credits would have been exhausted so 1 minute it is saying but I I believe it will not work now because you've already used it up so you so whatever you saved it right all the documents which you have clicked on save that is now here it is going here so documents are here if I click here whatever we saw before will come and uh so all the images if you have clicked on Save these are these are the Imes which you have created the voiceovers which you have saved it right so we have not saved it that's why it's not coming and transcripts is also there whatever you had transcribe [Music] yeah that is also so this is the transcri yeah and that code is the and then so now what you see is now this account is not that useful now because you cannot do a lot of things so you'll have to upgrade it right so the way that is done is let's go to the dashboard and see see we require at least at least say 200 more words okay and say one or two images at least to try out things a few characters at least 50 and 2 minutes at least 2 3 minutes so that you can try it on so now you can go to anyone let us go to the the pricing plans option itself and see what all options do so we have three 10 okay so this is being shown as uh $1 $4 $8 right so you can select one of them and get to it so this is you can come to this particular page from here or you can also go to this option click on view credits so here it will show you what all credits you're having okay so it seems that we have some Google Gemini Pro credits let me see if you can use it somewhere I'm not sure where G supported let's try it on so this one blog you have tried right let me try the same thing because I've already seen it [Music] okay so here you can actualize it so there are 200 more credits which I'll use the Patagonia you have seen [Music] right let's say travel options to and from ponia [Music] [Music] say London too [Music] let us see how Gemini is able to handle this so I want to know what are the travel options from New York London Tokyo Dubai to [Music] pagonia let us try it I just wanted to use it Google credits which I have left right so 200 credit left there before we go ahead and buy something oh so these are options so thing from New York to pagonia flight routes and travel you can mention about it okay oh so they have from Dubai it is a long haul flight that they have under okay so they have basically because this is a Blog it is it will give you the structure of how to write a block now if I go to upgrade yeah yeah I'll just save this because this is necessary that you see so that you won't miss it out otherwise this data will just [Music] vanish so here you have these options right one is for $1 one is for $4 and $8 so the options are like for $1 what you get is initially pre previously you had 200 right when you started off so they are giving you 500 this time 500 for both of them but they are also giving you five Imes the D and SD and the characters is 500 the minutes is five now so if you pay double of $1 which is $2 I if you pay four times okay then the this thing is it should be 2,000 right no so they are giving you 1,000 extra so instead of 2,000 they giving you 3,000 each everything is more than four [Music] times everything is six times actually so you paying four times the money they giving you six times fine and the next one is $8 so this is again double of four right so this should be [Music] 6,000 this is 3,000 so the be 6,000 and SC they're giving you 8,000 of credits so yeah for the higher package they giving the increment this is also more than double so these are the plans so if you are paying from USA you'll have to pay dollar one for European countries it is EUR one for Indian region it is 75 because they these are all similar values 7 I believe the IND currency right now is 80 so this is an approximation for all the so let let me try it out let me try to upgrade my um credits so here what you have to see is that right now I do have some credits right but uh it will it should not go that is what I want to make sure if you go to subscription plans or you go to view credits it it is saying that I have open AI credits of 15 okay and AI voice over of four so next time open AI should be 515 it should not be just 500 and AI voice over also should be 54 right so let me see if that is working fine if I click on select package so I have to pay them amount right let me try out STP here so I need to pay how much 75 milon rupes or do one right I'm not filling out any other details I'm just going to S and out so none of the payment details you're entering in that website okay whatever details you're entering just make sure that you are in this particular site right you're not in that side so if you won't even check it here connection secure certificate is Val always for any e payment you do you can check this so you can see that this is issue to skripe CM organization this is Val till September 20th 2020 the AI tool certificate is different if you check here you'll see that their certification name is that is also secure certificate and it is valid it is given by Google service services and it us Val till September 26 I'm going to enter my details here [Music] I click on Pay [Music] Here I don't want to save it at CH browser let me see what will come here it is asking me for my one time password and just make sure that the amount is correct so it is INR 75 which is exactly what I want [Music] get I'm waiting for the OTP to get delivered one again I'll tell you once that [Music] happens okay I've got my OTP now it is 59 so I have got my OTP from my bank but I'm clicking on [Music] submit happens [Music] here okay that green color icon has come I'm waiting I'm not clicking on anything okay it says that congratulations you have successful please subscribe to that particular plan yeah so let me get the invo for this [Music] also so INR 75 was great but I'm getting an invoice so this transaction ID is also in future issues that I can use this particular okay so click on start Usage Now and just see what has happened okay whatever was there that 5 and4 has become 5 and five that character 4 has become 54 Imes have become 10 1 minute was there already and that has now become 6 minutes cool so you have a lot of options now [Music] right these are the major aspects about this website there are more things to explore like uh AI writers regarding the blog and everything related to writing then you have something known as AI article Resort this is different in the sense that it will allow you to do these you get the ideas you create outlines from that for each of the outline points you take top points then you generate images directly out of it this these are not you know perfect measures or perfect output but you will be able to save at least 80% of the time that you normally spend in organizing your thoughts okay not in writing the actual step because that is you cannot take everything using AI but you can save a lot of time on structuring the things so then you have something know as a smart editor okay so this is the Smart editor then you have AI rewriter yeah this is something which is very useful you can rewrite one data if you have a 200w data you can just rewrite it very easily you have ai images which you have seen and you have ai voice over voice over means it is text to speech that is what voice over means speech to text is also there which you have seen and the whole whatever we've seen before right that same thing you can also do it in a conversation and man using chat this AI Vis is also same thing AI chat with this AI uh images AI file chart means you can analyze files here yeah it can summarize data ET AI chat is also yeah you can give websites and you can ask details about that particular site Al chat image you can give a image and it will do the object detection and everything you can create codes this one I think some of you might be very interested right so uh you will create a create a simple P HTM is here yeah it doesn't create a simple web [Music] page [Music] Ionia in and my location delete in italics complete web page using chity let me see if it is able to correctly do it okay so it has given you Patagonian chili right okay so I think I I'll try out something in Python so how to open a file and read [Music] it open a text file yeah let me see how this works so this is for python so you have to keep experimenting only then okay that HTML one I think it just showed it instead of doing that coding right so this python is quite good so certainly it is saying it with open sample.txt file trade print the F [Music] cool so you can this is working fine or not let me create a file that simple to just to show you how it works okay hello line one hello [Music] line creating that python file also which they have so I'll say uh read [Music] file okay I'll just copy [Music] this paste this so all the nothing else I have [Music] changose how well it because all the intents and everything be me right python DAT file yeah it is done so I have I have interpreted it using python okay and it was able to read hello 1 2 3 this is really good and [Music] uh so if we had something say okay let's say we have something as I is equal to one and uh if here I was saying I us to do i+ one and uh I had done a [Music] print fight I want to give it you know for each of the line I just want to give a numbering okay oh uh IAL to I so yeah it should have been in a far that is anyhow uh that's okay so this is working so that is what we wanted to see that is fine yeah the reason why this uh did not work is because I'm not using the for Loop right that is why if this was a loop it would have [Music] come now brand voice is there this is how you do it so after this if you want to add some more credits and keep it just you know for future in the next week if you're going to use it then you can definitely it's better to go for this plan for this 8 plan because you'll get 8,000 right and it will add to this particular credits so this 8,000 that is going to come in it will get added to this number because that out of that 500 some of it you have already used it the remaining 22 so 800 + 22 8,000 sorry 8,212 words and those uh whatever you're adding it is valid for Lifetime it's not like every month you have to pay something this is one time payment so this is about the registration payment and an overall usage about how to go about this is a very good uh site I've never seen something which uh has all these different aspects of text of images of videos and of audios because normally what I've seen is that you have ai like canva like you know there are AI tools that are specific to each place for image you have one text you have another and for all of them you have these monthly payments of $10 or $15 and so for so if I want to try out four different domains of text video image and audio then I'll be spending somewhere like $40 to $60 on a on a basic package if it is a highend package on a monthly basis okay better than that I feel it is this one is good so even if that $80 I have to spend I would rather spend 10 times here so that you know I'll get 80,000 credits and I can do all sorts of things I'll not be constrained to just using images or text I really like the site so I hope this site gets better and they add more features but overall these things I like because these are all one time and you don't keep paying you know your money is with you okay just wanted to tell about this this much about the site hope you have enjoyed this video if you need more air related videos please do let me know thank