CPRT Soft AI Tools Review - How to pay using Razorpay payment gateway

Rahul / July 4, 2024

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[Music] thank you for your um you know appreciation and feedback on my previous video about AI tools from CPR soft so some of you had asked me how the razor pay G payment getways so I tried it out and I find it quite good so for people from India who wish to use it uh I just show how the whole flow works so that you'll have a good idea and you can decide whether you need to go through or not so let me open that website this is uh yeah this is the website which we are using AI tools. CPR T soft.com because I like the site I have already purchased quite a few credits for me yeah so I have credits of 88,200 wordss on and uh my images are already there 85 images of both G and stabing fusion and to speech to Texas 86 minutes but now let's say I want to use risea pay so the way I'll do so we'll have to verify so right now it is 85 mes so if I go for the very lowend plan which is of $1 or 75 rupees then everything should increase this will be 8.7k and Google JY will be 9k T will be 90 images diffusion will be 90 mes voice over will be 9,4 and uh Speech will be 91 minute right let us see so if I go to up I I first have to click up upgrade now these options happening 75 36 so I I'll try out this one again just to show you how the payment gate to works just make sure everything are fine nothing else see you have you can remember that nothing needs to be added here not required to give you but C nothing is required just click on traser pay whatever is prefill let it come there let's check out okay and then you'll have to click on this button so this is a bit different the stripe fun uh you did not have to click on anything but here you will have to click this button so here it is saying that uh you are going to pay to this particular company and uh you have to enter your number Indian mobile number so I'm going to enter that click on proceed so you you can use any of the IND in payment gway like UPI Q are you can use your cards credit cards debit cards you can use net banking you can use wallets even pay valet you can use pay later also uh I'm going to use UPI and ql so this is that QR code which was already there so you know all you have to do is open up your GP in your phone so I'm just doing that one second I'm just opening my GP yeah is open now I need to scan this particular QR code which is displayed on the computer screen okay let me just do that [Music] one yeah so I have opened the particular app okay so now it is showing in my app that I need to pay R 75 in my gpay app so I click I say okay and I click on payment Okay click next yeah yeah in my GP it is done so now let me wait I'm not clicking any button in the IC right now everything is reflected in the weite also and it is redirecting you back I'm not touching the keyboard or Mouse till now it has come again this invoice is generated so you can click on this get invoice just to verify you know how much money was transferred actually [Music] is up and yeah in 75 at 32 good you have a verification now now click on start usage now again check your credits okay you know that things that 8.2 became 8.7 became 9,000 di became 1990 a 9,4 and spe to text S so this is how razor pay works on this website it is as expected no issues okay thank you for and thank you for the feedback last time thank