CPRT Soft AI Tools Review - How to use Text AI Tools

Rahul / July 4, 2024

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I'm exploring this AI tools since past few weeks and I really enjoy it so let me just take you through some of these common things which I use and which I find which are very useful so today I'll talk about AI writer this is everything related to text okay so you can see that you can there are things you can do about ads advertisements blogs content in general e-commerce emails Frameworks marketing social media video websites so something which would have click your this thing might have been Frameworks because this was new to me as well I've never seen this in any of the websites so far so let me try it out so in Frameworks there are four problem agitate solution promise picture approve push before after bridge and attention interest desire action so people who have studied this as part of their curriculum in their MBA or another ADV studies or their graduation or School uh know one of the things where I am familiar as this Eid model attention interest desire action basically what this model says is that if you are a marketing personality and if you're trying to sell something the buyer's mind will be such that at first he will look at a lot of options you will try to understand what is there in the market so and then he will give attention to some of these particular products so if you're talking about chocolates you'll have you have so many brands of chocolates so that very first ler is known as attention and then he has to generate interest out of a 20 different chocolate brands he will generate interest in a few of them about 10 of them he will feel it is good for him some of them is not at all necessary so it is only out of those interest things that he's going to buy things he so that is interest and from within that interest also you know there will be three to four things which he really desires uh because some of them will be very expensive some of them will be you know it it is not relevant at that point of time so that is desire and out of that three or four the final one which he desdes that is action so that is a framework so if you're talking about let me show it to you in this thing like I I'll tell you how and why if this is working or not so let's say that uh you are the marketing manager and you have to create some material or some strategy this so you ask a lot of people and then they give you inputs and you write it out so let's say you ask me about chocolates and then I say that uh I went to the shop and found too many chocolates protection on three of the brands char and there were some more so this is what the customer tells and then he says that uh [Music] [Music] [Music] let's say this is what the customer says to you okay and now as a this thing as a marketing personality you need to now categorize these sentences and you know make a strategy so if you give it to say CH GPT directly it is not going to give it to you in an aid format that much we know it'll give you a strategy if you want again compare create a let me just write that on let me do a comparison here so if it was a generic lot of strategy Builder right loog section is a gentic thing yeah I'll I'll I'll this is the first one which I have this about interest this one right I'll just copy this whatever I have [Music] [Music] yeah so this one I'm assuming that it will give me an output it says that you know these sentences belong in attention this will be interest not just it it should not only categorize them but it should give me a sort of strategy right it in that framework what I should do sort of thing right so this is chocolate comparison one and the other one is you know yeah I can use it as a text right so can you yeah AI speech to text so you have this regular thing right which you can do anything so here it is a business related thing so I'm saying it's bus thing 4 an a framework for the low content right hopefully it'll ask me what the content is yeah so it understands what Aid is Right a so this is desire and this is attention before I click on send I'll just go here and I'll try out so this is chocolate comparison one and this is chocolate comparison 2 right so yeah I'll okay I don't have an option to name it here I think they should have given it here actually anyhow so I need the results and 400 words okay number of reses I just require one okay let me see if uh you know this is working well if this is good that means that it'll give it to me in a proper framework with Aid like with attention these things okay as headings I click generate here okay you must okay maximum is 200 which I can I click on generate here and this also I click on send okay yeah we've got the result in the other one so it is saying that yeah this is attention interest design and action so it was able to get this data from here in attention saying are you a chocolate lover looking for the perfect treat look no further our chocolate comparison reveals the top content she cly wow from this particular line it has found it out and then it has found out interest with a focus on milk content cbury and Hershey stands out as that is just option but if you're like me I'd have a deep love for Hershey your desire will undoubtedly lean towards this CL and then in desire it is saying that indel in me goodness of her shoes so here in desire it is talking only about Hershey's it's not talking about the other two Brands and then action it is saying ready to experience the pure chocolate take the next step and treat yourself to her's chocolate but don't miss out yeah they have converted it properly okay so this is what Aid model can do and uh on a generic basis yeah this much it was able to do as I walked into the shop my eyes were immediately with a wider rang among them three [Music] okay good so both of them are good uh so I liked it yeah now so this is about AI writer so both are good okay now uh before that let me just save this this whatever I actually have to submit this this part of my report okay so I'm just putting there so that is AI writer in AI writer you have some more things like you know you can create titles titles so you provide a product destion it will give you a clickbait title Okay add headlines blog ideas creative story summarizer so the summarizer is a good thing and I think something which we normally do right so let me take a something which I want to summarize right difference okay you know something which I really wanted to understand is how does ship Lo on water you know it's usually a big te and uh I need something that will summarize this for me right okay this is already summarized one so I cannot use that one I'm looking for a good sample text which can be used for summarizing okay so let me take another thing uh history of Apple life let me see how thises yeah this one is good right so from iPhone 6s 6s onwards let me try to get it okay so I think there's no option to do that so let me try to summarize it yeah okay so the 6X so the iPhone 6 had a stronger frame then it was talking about iPhone 7 had a larger camera then iPhone 10 introduced a new design with face recognition iPhone 11 11 Pro had better cameras and longer battery iPhone 12 had 5G connectivity and new max if 13 had larger cameras 14 introduced satellite phones 15 switched to USBC wow this is really good so this huge Tex which we had has been highly summarized properly okay so this the actual length is 5,00 okay 562 with all the brackets and everything so that it has reduced to 147 words this is amazing okay so this is what summarizer means uh let me save it yeah don't save it as a new document because then there's no use yeah you'll not know what this document is about always save it with a proper name and also remember that if you don't save it that data is gone you are not going to get okay so this is about the summarizer terms and conditions so you can create privacy policy basically you can say that you know this is the website which I have and then you can give some hints about you know this is how my privacy policy should look like so let's say if you are the owner of the website Netflix okay and you want to create a privacy policy for Netflix let's say this is what I need to specifically say stand this is that additional thing which I want to add so I'm just saying that you know this is what I want and asking to create this should create a privacy policy should not create some document document it has cre right so privacy POS for Netflix effective to thank you for choosing Netflix as your preferred entertainment we provideed that when you create account we collect your name email everything how you use process payment personalize your viewing experience so they have created this Co I think they have probably use the original Netflix also as a reference so if it was not Netflix it was Disney hot star which is slightly less popular compared to somebody like Netflix then let's see how they are able to do that so this one is for Netflix yeah the very same thing I'm trying to create it for hot let me see if because this was Netflix it was easy for it as AI to know and I I think it has used the Netflix privacy policy it has summarized it but for hotster how does it work let me see okay it has come underneath of this okay yeah privacy policy for this thing oh it has able to it was able to detect that it was hotstar but it was not able to see understood that it was a movie site it has just said the basic things at hotar we take this cons seriously when you visit email everything oh movie watching is there so because we store that we store your moving watching history is saying that we also store your movie watching history to Prov personal recommendation say you wanted to make it more specific we also your social security number just to understand you know this model is understanding what I'm saying I'm going to save it yeah and I'm going to create a new one if this particular point is getting added is what I'm checking okay to values yeah see it is collecting it is saying additional EV store your moving watching history and the social security number for account verification purposes the previously they were saying it was for personalized recommendations now it is for account verification [Music] at.com even email it has rounded out so is this email actually there has have they published it somewhere let me see no no they have created it themselves so this particular email is not there but that is the most common email that you would use right really really good I I like this you know this these are really helpful things as an AI tool which you can do okay because you just saves you a lot of time you will not miss out on many of the things this is about summarize privacy policy then product characteristics right have full Amazon product description okay so let me try this Amazon product description so in order to create that let me go to some software which people use for some fmcg item like uh perf features not characteristics features [Music] so somebody had to place this in Amazon oh so you have to give comma separated things right okay so let's do one thing let's try Sur Excel it is already there in Amazon yeah and let's try to create a description out of it so I I'll just add very few things work in high water level okay disolves completely advanced [Music] technology right amount [Music] of so these are the characteristics okay and and I'm going to give it an comma separated values okay and it has to create a description out of this yeah detergent is our detergent name it's a very catchy name okay let me see how it brings it up product description introducing New Age the ultimate solution for tough St removal our advanced technology ensures that even the most are dissol unlike other it espcially formulated work effectively in high water levels making it perfect right amount of form you can trust say goodbye to rewash it multiple times has a job Superior formula don't settle for supp detergents amazing right what all it could create out of this these two words out of 112 characters this was able to create 151 words each word is about five words five characters 150 into 5 is 7 750 characters so from s times the character this is really good okay so that is what uh this particular thing will do in wither you have more options here now you can go through them one by one and not gone through all of them email gold mails yeah how can you write a this is something which you normally use right context to include okay see let me try it out let's say you are a uh B2B company which is selling a new software which T and this is related to medical field okay so context to include in the email is medical field okay so this is about a medical Sy company name is legal plus that was the name of this thing so describe legal Plus application this a software that helps Legal Professional Excell 10,000 old legal documents in cases and fil up perfect can predict then find logical errors and archive all documents so this is what the software does okay now you're asking it to create a cold email nothing else I just say what is there in my mind as a all 268 character and it says it has created a email it is saying that subject is enhance your legal practice with legal Plus application dear recipient I hope this email finds you well I wanted to introduce you to Legal place a cutting it software designed to help Legal Professional excels with the ability to refer to 10,000 old legal documents and cases filter this thing okay and legal as as a game change in medical field that Precision okay I got confused I was going to write about legal uh field and I got conf so in the medical field where Precision matters legal can streamline I would love to schedule a demo thank you for considering best regard so this is how it'll create a gold mail okay these are all day-to-day things which we normally use and it is very helpful in these yeah this attention interest desire action we've seen company press relase brand names LinkedIn post social media LinkedIn ads Facebook ads video titles video scripts yeah video scripts you know you can create really awesome things so if you're a person be a man or a woman who wants to create YouTube videos this can really save you a lot of time because normally if you enter to create a recipe you will have to list down all your ingredients you'll have to find out at what time what is added you keeping the pan all the quty ETC but here just write this thing so what is the description so create a video about making the food recipe 3 minutes or say 10 minutes so this should ideally give you the omelet recipe as a video script format okay let's see if it is able to do it it is so these are the narrators right so it is 247 vers there welcome to a cooking tutorial on how to make delicious omelet in 10 minutes number one to start crack the three eggs into a bowl and wish them until they are well combined number two heat a nonstick pan over medium and add a knob of butter so you have not talked about egg butter or anything the system was able to find out next point is let the egg cook for 2 minutes or until they start to set it using spatula gently push it towards the center add your favorite toppings took another minute and there you have it in 10 minutes thank you for watching because I wrote 10 minutes it is 10 minutes I so you just have to read this basically basically and you can create a video in no time you don't have to spend time figuring it out this is that is why I really like this and I thought I should make videos on this one we have so this is about AI writer hope you found this video useful